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Great Advice On How To Beef Up Your Home Security Today

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Posted on: 07/23/22

Do you own a home? If so, then you likely want to keep it as safe as you can. Unfortunately, there are many things that can damage or destroy a home. Therefore, it is vital that you aware of these things and how to prevent them from damaging your home. Check out this article to learn excellent tips on keeping your home safe.

You do not necessarily need an expensive home security system to protect your home. You can buy a dog. Dogs are great for home security. Not only will they protect your home while you are away, they are great additions to your family offering protection, companionship and additional security for your home.

If you want your home to be safe and secure, it is important to have a security analysis preformed by a reputable company. This will assess the weak points of your home security and will help you understand what areas need more protection and what areas have sufficient protection to keep you safe.

Trim back the brush aside your home. It may look pretty, but you are giving criminals a hiding place right near your house. Instead, keep an open grassy area between your home and your landscaping. This will help keep unwanted people from getting a close eye view through your windows.

Keep hedges and vegetation trimmed and away from doors and windows. Large bushes may look nice, but they provide easy cover for potential home invaders. If you can, try to keep an open area completely surrounding the perimeter of your home, and if you have vegetation, keep them well trimmed.

If you are moving into a new home, the first thing you should do to make your home more secure is to change the locks. You do not have to change the actual locks, a locksmith can re-key the locks to make them inaccessible with any of the previous keys.

When it comes to securing your home, start by changing your locks. There are many different people who might have keys from your past, and removing the potential of them accessing your home can be a very good idea. Most locksmiths can accomplish the job within 24 hours.

Go with your instincts when choosing a security system company. Dont hire anyone who makes you uncomfortable. There is nothing wrong with asking for a different technician if youre uneasy. Your security system is supposed to help you, not cause you more stress.

Never leave a spare key outside your home. Many crooks know of the locations where people leave keys. A great place to put your spare key is on your dogs collar. There are not many people who will come up to your dog to investigate if it has a key on its collar.

If you are planning to take a vacation, or you simply work odd hours, get timers for your indoor lights. This will help your home appear to be occupied, even when you are away. Place these timers in more than one room as well, as a burglar will quickly realize that only one of your rooms is illuminated at any given time if you do not.

Dont hide your spare house key in an obvious place outside. The days of safely hiding the spare key under the doormat are long gone. Placing your key in an obvious area like this now may help you if you get locked out, but it could also be an invitation for a thief to enter your home. Its best to avoid hiding spare keys on your property. You should either keep a spare key with a trusted neighbor or get a fingerprint or keypad door lock.

As this article has shown, a home can be damaged or destroyed in a matter of minutes. Because of this, you need to be knowledgeable on home security ideas so you can protect one of your most valuable assets. Utilize the excellent ideas provided in this article to ensure you keep your home safe.

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